Trying to grow long, thick, and lustrous hair can be difficult because many factors come in to play. The foods you eat, how much water you drink, stress levels, age, and the condition of the scalp all make a big difference for growing hair.
Most of us find it hard to get all the daily nutrients required for the body to produce beautiful hair, skin, and nail cells. And it’s not entirely our fault.

Our soil is not what it used to be. The mineral levels of our earth have weakened over the past 100 years, making it even harder to consume a vast amount of nutrients to maintain a healthy body.
Hair, skin, and nails are a direct indication of the condition of your entire body. Having brittle nails, and slow hair growth could be the result of an underlying health condition, so you should always consult with your doctor about any hair growth problems. A doctor can run tests to determine specific vitamins you need to take, and it could save you from a severe illness.
Most hair, skin, and nails vitamins serve more than one purpose so you could get unexpected benefits. For instance, your sore joints could feel better when you take MSM. Or your energy could increase by taking vitamin B12.
Maybe you just want denser and healthier hair. If you’ve already checked with the doctor and you have no severe deficiencies, keep reading. In this article, you’ll discover supplements you can take for longer, thicker, and more lustrous hair.
Biotin, or Vitamin B7, is the go-to ingredient for hair growth, and it is usually present in all hair, skin, and nails vitamins. Biotin can reduce hair shedding, and reverse it. It contributes to the production of healthy hair by helping to make keratin.
Some women experience acne breakouts with biotin. Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, so it is crucial to drink it with at least eight cups of quality water per day and take a smaller dose if you experience acne. Begin with a dosage of 1000 mcg, and increase to 2500 or 5000 mcg if needed.
Vitamin B12
If you lack this vitamin, you might be experiencing hair shedding due to anemia. When your body is nutrient-deficient, it usually shuts down the production of hair first. It is reacting to survive through the tough times. It’s a good thing, because losing hair is better than losing a vital organ, and hair loss serves as an urgent wake-up call.
The hair our bodies make is a direct result of the food we eat. Unfortunately, vegans and people with digestive issues are hit the hardest when it comes to vitamin B12 deficiencies. If you tend to avoid meat, you may be lacking B12, which only comes from animal sources.
Raise your vitamin B12 for increased hair growth. It is best absorbed as a liquid or fast-dissolving pill under the tongue.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Many people don’t realize that the body requires omega-3 fatty acids to survive. When you don’t have enough, your cells can not do their job, and that includes the task of making hair.
There are several types of omega-3, but the two kinds your body must have is EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These are found in fatty fish like salmon, albacore tuna, and sardines. But eating a daily serving of fish can be too toxic for the body, and it can cause mercury poisoning.
It’s best to get your omega-3 from fish or krill oil. If you’re vegan, try algae. You’ll experience increased hair growth when your follicles are in optimum shape. Omega-3 strengthens and protects the integrity of cells. You’ll achieve shinier, denser hair as a result.
is an amino acid that makes up the hair, and it is one of the most abundant proteins in the human body. Our body’s ability to produce this protein decreases after the age of thirty, and we are left with thinning hair.Taking a collagen supplement will help create new growth by strengthening the hair follicles at the cellular level.
The best way to eat collagen naturally is by eating bone broth and liver from grass-fed animals. However, the supplement form may be more convenient and will yield similar results.
stands for methylsulfonylmethane, and it exists in every cell of your body. In fact, this organic sulfur compound has the third largest ingredient content in the body, after water and salt. This necessary nutrient decreases as we age.MSM helps to create keratin, the protein that makes hair, skin, and nails. When you lack MSM, the body has a difficult time producing both keratin and collagen.
This nutrient also helps to clear toxins, which can hinder the hair follicles from doing their job. Look for MSM crystals, which is the purest form.
You are likely tired and experiencing a lack of hair growth if you don’t have enough iron in your system. Recommending an iron supplement is tricky because an overdose can cause stomach pain, diarrhea, and vomiting.
So, you should never self-diagnose. Get an iron test first to see if you need supplements before beginning an iron treatment.
A shortage in this mineral can cause anemia and result in hair loss, so an iron supplement may clear all of your hair growth problems.
Some people have insufficient iron because they have problems absorbing nutrients from the foods they eat. The body absorbs minerals best in liquid form, especially if you have gastrointestinal issues.
Lots of users swear by
liquid iron for fast results. You should see new hair growth in 1-3 months after beginning an iron supplement.Don’t Forget About Water and Exercise

Water and exercise are two of the easiest ways to grow thick and lustrous hair, yet they are both underestimated by many women.
Drinking at least eight cups of water per day will help create healthy and shiny hair. It is excellent for nourishing the scalp and reversing dull hair, skin, and nails. Plus, it assists your digestive tract with the absorption of vitamins from the foods and supplements you consume.
Exercise promotes hair growth too, by circulating fresh blood to the scalp. One of the best practices for hair growth is yoga, though any activity will help to increase blood circulation.
Most of us are on our feet or sitting all day, which means our hair follicle cells may not be receiving enough nutrition. In fact, it is theorized that women may experience balding at the crown area because it is the top-most part of the body and it receives fewer nutrients than other parts of the scalp.
Many yoga poses require you to lower your head below your heart. This position is excellent for getting your blood to flow to the head and nourish the scalp. Plus, the combination of yoga twists and breathing help to cleanse the body from toxins that could be hindering hair growth.
Also, it’s essential to practice a good regimen after you’ve worked hard on growing your hair. Keeping the hair you grow is crucial to having thick, long hair.
Aim to retain length by using deep conditioning and protein treatments every two weeks. Applying Butta Butta Cream twice per week with the LOC method is an excellent way to maintain moisture and length.
Sometimes, hair growth can be easily solved by clearing up a few nutritional deficiencies and getting your body on the right path of creating gorgeous hair. Be sure to drink plenty of fresh water and take a multivitamin daily along with the supplements for beautiful, healthy hair.
What about you? What are your favorite supplements for thick and lustrous hair?

Hey Curl Friend, I’m Patrina Haupt the creator and author of Natural Hair Queen. I hope you find my healthy hair care tips helpful in your hair journey. Healthy hair care practices are definitely, what helped me to achieve waist length hair.
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