Get the Gorgeous, Long Healthy Natural Hair you've always dreamed of!
Custom Hair Plans Specifically Tailored And Customized For Your Natural Hair
"We talk about your hair and no one else’s!"

You want long and healthy natural hair, and there’s a lot of free info out there. But where do you start, and who do you follow? And how do you know you’re not further damaging your hair?
This leading paragraph has a larger font-size, to make a smoother transition from the headline to the first block of text.
This is a long-form sales page (or a "hybrid" sales page, by some people's definition - more about that later). Yes, there's a lot of text here and that might look intimidating. But trust me, it's a good thing.
You may think that people won't want to read so much text, but that's not true. Don't be afraid to take your time and write everything that needs to be said, to convince even your most skeptical prospect. In fact, that's exactly what a long-form sales page is about: it's for you to say everything that needs to be said about your product.
"But no one likes a wall of text!" I hear you say.
Well, that's true. And that's why we're not presenting our visitors with an intimidating wall of text, here.

Frequent Headings Allow “Skimmers” to Find Their Way Around Your Page - And Make it Easier to Read
See that beautiful divider above the heading? That's just one of the ways we combine design and copy to guide the reader though our content and keep things easy to follow.
Some of your visitors will be readers and others will be skimmers. The readers will start at the top and read every. single. word. until they reach the end of the page (or until they can't wait any longer and decide to buy). The skimmers, on the other hand, will skip about, looking for things that matter to them specifically.
The skimmers want to be convinced just as much as the readers do, they are just looking for information in a different way.
What you're looking at right now is the second block consisting of a main heading and a section of text. Break up all of your content into blocks like this to make everything easier to read, easier to understand and easier to navigate. You'll also notice that none of the paragraphs here are more than 4-5 lines high (on a large screen, anyway. Yes - this page is fully mobile responsive).
Oh, and what's going on here? Below is an image block. It lets you visually communicate some of the points you are making (which is also great to get those skimmers' attention).
Keep it simple. A nice icon and one benefit is plenty.
Don't over-explain. Illustrate simply & let them read on.
You can always elaborate further below.

Avoid the Mistake of Selling too Early - Convince First, Sell Second.
Remember that long form sales pages are about relating to your reader. Don't jump right in and start talking about your product.
Instead, tell a story. Write about how things feel. Write about problems, frustrations, experiences, triumphs. Think about a movie or TV series - it's all about the characters and how much you care about them. And you only care about them if you can relate to them.
Trying to sell too soon is the most commonly made mistake - not only on long form sales pages. Even if your page is short and visual, without relating to your customer, you can't make sales.
Also remember that what you're looking at is only a template. Maybe you want to spend more time on the story. Maybe you want to add several more headline + text blocks, to really elaborate and evoke emotions. With Thrive, you can easily do so (just duplicate some of the existing blocks). Let the template inspire you, but don't let it limit you.
Next, we have another section to bring some visual variance to the page:
In this Next Text Block, You Can Start Transitioning to Your Solution...
You've set the scene. You've captured your visitors' attention. You've related to them and told them everything they need to know to truly understand what your product is about. Now it's time to start introducing them to the product.
Keep one thing in mind: your product is the solution. At first, don't talk about it in terms of a product. Talk about how you found a solution and about how this same solution can help others too. Why do all this? Because if you set it up right, you will be the opposite of the slimy, used car salesman stereotype we all despise... you will not be pushing product, you'll be doing everyone a favor.
Here's a small sub-heading for extra emphasis.
You can use smaller sub-headings like the one above to make an important point or for quotes that relate to your story. Notice how non-fiction authors love to use quotes throughout their books? That's because quotes are a nice change of page and they lend authority and gravitas to what you're saying.
Similarly, you can use text highlights and other text formatting to draw your reader's eye to important parts of the text. This also helps break up the page, to prevent wall-of-text-syndrome.
Yes, Now it's Finally Time for the Big Reveal - “Product Name”
The Product (or Service) that is the Perfect Resolution to the Story.
Now it's time to be very specific. Talk about your product, what it is, what your customer gets when they purchase. At this point, after all the buildup, your readers really want to know what you have to offer, so don't hold back.
Show a Product Image: It's always a good idea to visualize your product. Even if it's a digital product or a service, find some way to make it tangible - with an image.
- 1Show a Product Image: It's always a good idea to visualize your product. Even if it's a digital product or a service, find some way to make it tangible - with an image.
- 2The Power of the Points List: use this list to mention the most important benefits of your product. These are the things that make it a must-buy.
- 3Time to Shine: be as specific as possible and always remember: it's about benefits, not features. You can mention features, of course, but always do so along with mentioning an important benefit.

See what our customers have to say:
"Social Proof With Customer Testimonials..."
"Customer testimonials are a powerful conversion element. Display them here to demonstrate that your product has many customers and that those customers are very happy with their purchase.
We like to do what many others have done already. There's safety in numbers. Testimonials can be used to give your visitor that sense of safety."

Marketing Assistant
"The perfect testimonial..."
"The perfect testimonial looks a lot like this one: it has a heading (this shows the best part of the testimonial), one or two paragraphs of text, an image, a name and (optionally) a role to go along with the name. Also note the use of quotation marks in the testimonial text."

Office Manager
Start Your Free, No Risk, 30-Day Trial!
This is the first call to action for your readers to become customers.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't increase your website's conversion rate or revenues over the next 30 days, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.
"Add some more testimonials here"
"Can you have too many testimonials? Yes, but it's difficult to do. :)
Feel free to add many testimonials directly to this page. If you have dozens of testimonials, you might want to only add 10-15 of the best ones to the page and add a link 'more testimonials' link that goes to a page with all the others.
We'll use filler text for the rest of the testimonials on this template."

Marketing Assistant
"Velit mauris egestas duius ut"
"Sed non neque elit. Sed ut imperdiet nisi. Proin condimentum fermentum nunc. Etiam pharetra, erat sed fermentum feugiat, Velit mauris egestas quam, ut aliquam massa nisl quis neque. Suspendisse in orci enim. Etiam pharetra, erat sed fermentum feugiat, velit mauris - ut aliquam massa nisl quis neque. Suspendisse in orci enim. velit aliquet."

"Sagittis vel Inceptus Aeneam"
"Sed non neque elit. Sed ut imperdiet nisi. Proin condimentum fermentum nunc. Etiam pharetra, erat sed fermentum feugiat, Velit mauris egestas quam, ut aliquam massa nisl quis neque.
Etiam pharetra, erat sed auctor ut fermentum feugiat, velit mauris."

Web Design Lead

Address Your Visitor's Last-Minute Objections
After the first call to action, use testimonials, case studies, more points lists and more text blocks to address all possible objections your visitors may have. Knowing these objections is very important... and you can learn all about them by talking to your customers and visitors. Give them a way to communicate with you and you'll quickly learn what's on your reader's mind as she goes through this page.
This part of the sales page can be a lot longer than it is in this template. There may be many objections that come up and you can address them all. If you dedicate a separate text block or a sub-heading to each one, your visitors can easily find the ones they have on their minds and skip the rest.
This is the Kind of Subheading You Can Use
People are risk averse. We dread making a mistake and wasting our time and money on something that turns out to be rubbish. This is the part of the sales page where you can appease all those worries.
Start Your Free, No Risk, 30-Day Trial!
This is the first call to action for your readers to become customers.

"Add a quote here (it can be a quote from yourself, from the story or an authority quote from someone else). Something that puts a nice closing line on the story above.”

P.S.: Welcome to the post script section of the page. You can have one or several of these. This part is all about loss aversion. Here is where you can remind your reader that if they don't jump on this opportunity right now they will be missing out.
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