Get Gorgeous, Long Healthy Locks You Can Love 100% of the Time With Professional Advice Specifically Tailored and Customized for Your Natural Hair
You want long and healthy natural hair, and there’s a lot of free info out there. But where do you start, and who do you follow? And how do you know you’re not further damaging your hair?
Just because you’ve found your curl twin, doesn’t mean her products will work in your hair. Other factors come into play, like hair porosity, and whether your hair needs restoration and repair.
Not talking to a professional could cost you more money in the long run. And even using the wrong shampoo could cause you to shed and throw years’ worth of hair growth into the trash.
Or maybe you did the big chop a while back, and you’re anxious to try cute new hairstyles, but your hair just won’t grow, and it doesn’t look as healthy or shiny as you’d like.
You’ve ruled out seeing a professional stylist because of the cost. You love having control over your natural hair, and that means saving money by doing home treatments.
So, what’s a queen to do? Here’s the good news: You can take care of your hair. You just need professional advice. And that’s where Natural Hair Queen comes in.
This isn’t a one-size-fits-all video or blog post where you have to take notes and figure out how to apply it to your hair routine. These are valuable sessions where we talk about your hair and no one else’s!
Here are the packages I currently offer:
Bronze Package:
The bronze package is the most affordable, it will get you well on your way to moisturized healthy hair. You’ll get a personalized evaluation and step-by-step instructions on what to do to achieve moisturized healthy hair.
First, I’ll assess your hair care regimen. Then, I’ll evaluate your hair care products to determine if they are the best for your hair type and porosity level. The results of your evaluation will show if we need to change your hair care regimen.
Silver Package:
This package has the most value because you will receive a custom hair plan, PLUS unlimited support by e-mail. That means you can ask ME specific hair related questions about the plan, and products.
You get custom care and access to me for a full month. We will solve all your hair problems and get you on the right track for beautiful hair!
- Everything included in the Bronze Package, and
- Unlimited e-mail support for four weeks to help with all your hair care needs.
Gold Package:
This is the package for you if you have breaking dry damaged hair that needs extra love and care, and are willing to put in the WORK to bring it back to life. You will have personal attention for an entire month for all of your hair care needs.
Doing the consultation by Skype is an amazing value because you have my undivided attention and you can show me your hair. It’s like going to a stylist, for a fraction of the price!
- Everything from the Silver & Bronze Packages, and
- Once a week Skype coaching for four weeks to discuss hair questions, concerns, and progress.
Here’s what other natural queens have to say:
“Patrina knows her stuff. My hair has improved drastically since trying her consultation three months ago. I was kind of nervous at first to talk about my hair with a stranger, but she was warm and professional, so it was a lot easier than I thought. I saw a difference in the very first week after starting her plan. My hair was moisturized, and my twists looked way better than usual. It has already grown three inches, and I’m just getting started! I can’t wait to see what it’s like in a few more months. Thank you, Patrina!” –Sonja Larsen
“I used the LOC method on Friday and I must say my hair usually within hours of washing and adding product would feel like I didn’t add product at all but its Sunday and it feels soft and manageable.” – Tanya
“It was your advice that made me buy Jamaican black castor oil for my daughters hair it’s amazing we love it.” – Gemma
You’d have to pay an outrageous price from a hairdresser to get a service of this value. Order today, and you’ll have the hair you’re dying for, without paying a fortune to get it.

100% Money Back Guarantee.
You might know from experience that using the wrong (and often expensive) hair care products can damage your hair and it’s a long process to repair the damage. With my consultations you will save an average of $1000 in money wasted on hair care products and damage repair treatments. Don’t even get me started on all the time you will save…
And if you’re not satisfied I will refund your purchase. No questions asked!