Recently I’ve had a lot of women asking me to help them determine their hair type so I decided for the next few weeks I would show everyone images of what hair type 4C and other hair types look like from images I have found on Pinterest. Enjoy!

Hey Curl Friend, I’m Patrina Haupt the creator and author of Natural Hair Queen. I hope you find my healthy hair care tips helpful in your hair journey. Healthy hair care practices are definitely, what helped me to achieve waist length hair.
Want to receive my weekly hair care tips and free natural hair care guide? Click Here.
Thank you for all the information and beautiful pictures. I shaved my head practically bald in January I wore wigs for a few months but in March I started wearing it out. I am currently Still rocking my TWA because I love it. I keep getting it cut from my barber. I’m unsure if I’m going to let it grow out next year. Also thank you for the product information I read on your page. A lot of the products you advised me to use I have been using.
That’s wonderful and your welcome. I really care about sharing the information I have learned over the years about taking care of natural hair. Have a good day!
My hair is natural. I have always been, but I am experiencing thinning and I don’t seem to see a significant growth. I have researched and still researching more info on how to get my hair longer and healthier. I have low porosity but I don’t what letter I am in the 4 range hair type. Thank you for creating the blog Patrina.
There may be other factors as to why your hair is thinning. Please e-mail me so we can discuss further: [email protected]