Hair loss and thinning hair can be embarrassing and cause you to feel less than beautiful. We have been told repeatedly to practice healthy hair care practices, moisturize your natural hair more, do not place a lot of tension on your edges or nape, and do not wear cotton headscarves or headbands. What if you follow all of this advice but still experience hair loss? What if I told you that there is a natural oil that can actually help regrow your hair and has been scientifically proven to regrow hair.
In this article, you’ll find out about the amazing benefits of pumpkin seed oil and how it’s packed with beneficial vitamins and minerals which promote hair growth. If you have thinning edges or hair loss keep reading.
What is pumpkin seed oil?
Often referred to as “black oil” or “green gold,” pumpkin seed oil has been used in medicinal circles as far back as the 17th century when the world was first introduced to its anti-diabetic, antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, and antimicrobial benefits.
Pumpkin oil is rich in essential fatty acids, minerals, and antioxidants so, over time, it became useful in treating a range of diseases. It is currently playing a key role in hair loss management because of its ability to promote hair growth naturally.
What are the properties of pumpkin seed oil?
Pumpkin seed oil is packed with vitamins and minerals such as B1, B6, E, A, K and zinc which provide a huge benefit to hair regrowth.
Most importantly pumpkin seed oil is the most effective in blocking the DHT, which is a hormone within men and women but it can cause you to lose your hair at a quicker rate.
Furthermore, pumpkin seed oil is a good natural source of proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, essential or polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 3, 6, and 9, and lutein. Due to its composition, pumpkin seed oil has the following properties:
- Anti-Diabetic: Pumpkin seed oil helps to improve insulin regulation and decreases oxidative stress. It is a rich source of digestible protein that helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Its anti-diabetic properties improve glucose tolerance by reducing the blood glucose levels and increase serum tolerance of glucose.
- Anti-Inflammatory: Pumpkin seeds are known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which makes them perfect for treating chronic inflammation.
- Antioxidant: Pumpkin seeds oil is packed with a broad diversity of antioxidants (mineral antioxidants, lignans, and phenolic antioxidants). These antioxidants help the body fight against free radicals, which can cause damage at the cellular level.
- Hypotensive: Studies have shown that pumpkin seed oil lowers diastolic blood pressure by about seven percent. This is because it contains significant amounts of magnesium, which helps to regulate blood pressure.
- Anti-Carcinogenic: The components of pumpkin seed oil (particularly antioxidants) are known to lower stomach, breast, lung, prostate, and bowel cancers.
How is pumpkin seed oil made?
Pumpkin seed oil is made through a very tedious and time-consuming process that essentially involves the expeller-pressing of toasted, hulled Styrian pumpkin seeds.
Experts say that it takes about 2.5 kilograms of pumpkin seeds to produce a liter of pumpkin seed oil.
The process starts by harvesting the ripened pumpkin from the pulp of the pumpkin plant. They are then washed to get rid of any fibrous material, after which they are allowed to dry completely.
After the drying process, the seeds are oven-roasted for a few minutes at a heat of about 140 F. This is the most important part of the oil production process because the temperature used and the amount of time spent in roasting the seeds determines the oil’s flavor.
Due to this, utmost care is taken to ensure that the seeds are not burnt. After roasting, the pumpkin seeds are pressed to extract the rich dark oil. The extracted oil is collected and stored in an airtight container for at least four weeks, after which they are canned or bottled for onward use.
How does pumpkin seed oil work for hair loss?
The pumpkin seed oil contains a plant-based compound called phytosterols, which interacts with the cholesterol that the intestines absorb. The result of this interaction lowers blood cholesterol levels and ultimately inhibits the conversion of testosterone to active dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a steroid hormone that binds receptors to the scalp, and its presence is thus a crucial factor in hair loss. Phytosterols block DHT and, in the process, initiates and boosts hair growth.
What are the benefits of pumpkin seed oil for hair loss?
Pumpkin seed oil is an antifungal and antibacterial agent that can be used to manage clogged hair follicles and cell regeneration. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce scalp inflammation, thus making the scalp healthier and calm for hair to grow.
The pumpkin seed oil also maintains the production of scalp oil, prevents dandruff, accumulates dead skin, and increases the overall sheen of the hair. Regular application of this oil to the scalp keeps it healthy at all times.
Where to Buy Pumpkin Seed Oil
The use of pumpkin seed oil for hair loss has grown in popularity over the years. It’s best to buy pumpkin seed oil that is unrefined and unprocessed without any fillers.
Coming soon Natural Hair Queen will offer a Pumpkin Seed Oil Serum that is unrefined cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil, sweet almond oil, vitamin E oil, and peppermint oil.
All of these ingredients help to promote hair growth, combat hair loss, and moisturize your hair. It’s best to use Natural Hair Queens Pumpkin Seed Oil Serum within your deep conditioner with warm heat to allow the hair follicles to open up so the oils can deeply penetrate the hair follicle for maximum benefit.
The side effects of using pumpkin seed oil
Although pumpkin seeds offer many benefits when used for hair loss in both men and women, a few side effects that should be mentioned.
First, pumpkin seed oil consumption has been linked to lowering of blood pressure. Folks on hypertension medication should steer clear of this oil because they are likely to experience extremely low blood pressure and dizziness due to its hypotensive properties.
In addition, it’s best to consult with your doctor before consuming pumpkin seed oil. Breathing problems, tightness in the chest or throat, chest pain, hives or rash, and itchy or swollen skin are some of the reactions that might occur when some people use pumpkin seed oil.
Natural Hair Queens Pumpkin Seed Oil Serum should not be ingested as it contains other oils.
How to use pumpkin seed oil to stimulate hair growth
There are a few ways to use pumpkin seed oil for hair growth. Some of them include
- Pumpkin seed oil capsules: The supplement which comes in an oil gel capsule can be consumed orally. Please note that the FDA does not regulate pumpkin seed oil supplements. Therefore, the quality and dosage may vary among various manufacturers. Also, ensure that you buy capsules from reputable brands only and follow the direction on the label.
- Pumpkin seed oil: You can also choose to consume the pumpkin seed oil. When doing this, pay attention to the direction on the label, dosage, and quality. Also, note that there are different types of pumpkin seed oil on the market today. While some are marketed for health purposes, others are for kitchen use, make sure that you know the product you are opting for.
- Topical pumpkin seed oil: Pumpkin skin oil can be applied topically on the scalp for immediate results. It can be done with a hair treatment once a week with Natural Hair Queen’s Pumpkin Seed Oil or through the use of thickening shampoos that contains pumpkin seed oil. Furthermore, ensure that the oil is thoroughly massaged into the scalp and repeated at least twice a week for two months before expecting results. It also works well in combination with the LOC method.
What is the difference between pumpkin seed oil vs Saw palmetto for hair growth?
Saw palmetto is another common ingredient found in hair loss supplements. This is because of its significant effect on DHT levels in the prostate. Hence it is believed to be effective in the treatment of Alopecia male pattern baldness.
It is often used together with pumpkin seed oil because both act differently and combining them offers an entourage effect. The difference in both products is that while pumpkin seed oil targets hair growth promotion, saw palmetto essentially slows down the rate of hair loss by reducing DHT levels.
Pumpkin seed oil, on the other hand, targets the 5-alpha reductase, which is the enzyme responsible for converting hormone into DHT. So, while one product (saw palmetto) reduces the rate of hair loss, the other (pumpkin seed oil) initiates and boosts hair growth for all hair types such as 4c hair, 4b hair, 4a hair.
Pumpkin seed oil is a natural solution for the treatment of a wide range of hair and health concerns due to its amazing properties. It is also great for combating hair loss and promoting hair growth. However, prospective users must be wary of the quality being offered for sale. To ensure that you buy the best products, seek out reputable vendors online such as Have you used pumpkin seed oil for hair growth if so comment below your experience?

Hey Curl Friend, I’m Patrina Haupt the creator and author of Natural Hair Queen. I hope you find my healthy hair care tips helpful in your hair journey. Healthy hair care practices are definitely, what helped me to achieve waist length hair.
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