If you regularly apply healthy oils to your hair, hearing about soybean oil for natural hair might come as a big shock. Soybean’s scientific name is “Glycine max,” and the oil is used in food and many cosmetics.
Soybean is also called the standard “’vegetable oil,” and it isn’t exactly known for being healthy for your body. Research studies have proven that soybean oil tends to mimic estrogen in the body and can disrupt hormones. To make matters worse, 95% of soybeans on the market are GMO.
But is soybean oil good for your hair and scalp? Many naturals rave about the effect that soybean oil has on their natural hair. Does it improve hair when applied topically, and how well does it stack up against the other oils?
In this post, you’ll find out about the benefits of using soybean oil so you can make an informed decision about whether to use it on your natural curls.
Soybean Oil Benefits for Hair
Soybean oil boasts many benefits for natural hair. Is soybean oil good for your hair or is it a hair inhibitor? Soybean oil is loaded with vitamins that specifically help hair and skin. Vitamin E, vitamin K, and omega 3 fatty acids all benefit hair.
Vitamins E and K are especially helpful for scalp problems which might be hindering your hair growth. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce inflammation and help cellular function. Take a look at a few things soybean oil does for hair:
- Moisturizes the Hair. Soybean oil seals hydration thoroughly into the hair shaft by coating the strand. Many natural queens swear by its ability to retain moisture. Use this oil in conjunction with the LOC method.
- Reduces Scalp Inflammation. Soybean oil is chock-full of vitamin E. This vitamin fights inflammation of the scalp and helps to repair the scalp by keeping the cell membrane intact. It can also treat dandruff and scalp acne issues.
- Smoothens the Cuticle. Soybean oil won’t make your hair straight, but there is a lot of talk about the oil’s ability to loosen curls and lay down roots. Soybean oil smoothens the cuticle to give a softer and shinier appearance.
- Promotes Hair Growth. The vitamin E in soybean oil helps to promote hair growth by increasing blood circulation of the scalp and nourishing the hair follicle cells. Read more about using soybean oil for hair growth below.
- Excellent Lubricant. Soybean helps to decrease tangles by lubricating your hair for easier detangling. As you know, curly strands tend to cling to each other a lot. This clinging can result in tangles and friction as each strand rubs against the others. Soybean oil’s emollient nature can also make your hair shine.
- Delays Aging of the Scalp. Soybean oil has a rich content of vitamin E. This nutrient is loaded with antioxidants and can help reverse the damaging effects of free radicals. The anti-aging effect helps to stop hair loss. Soybean oil can keep the scalp supple and can increase your hair’s elasticity.

One of the best things about soybean oil is that it is inexpensive and easy to find. If you ever run out of one of the more expensive oils, you can pick up a bottle of soybean oil as a fast and easy substitute.
Using Soybean Oil for Hair Growth
The vitamin E in soybean oil does a lot for repairing the scalp’s hair follicle cells. Vitamin E heals the scalp, fights aging, and encourages new hair growth by strengthening cell membranes.
Looking to use soybean oil for hair loss? Soybean oil slows the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a byproduct of testosterone. DHT has been known to interfere with hair growth. Soybean oil contains equol, an isoflavandiol estrogen that effectively binds DHT.
Wondering how to apply soybean oil to hair? You can use it as a soybean oil hair mask or as a scalp massage oil.
Soybean oil makes a wonderful hair conditioning treatment because it is more economical than most other oils. You won’t have any reservations about using generous portions or rinsing it down the drain after application.
How much soybean oil for hair growth? It depends on whether you’re doing the mask or the scalp massage.
To do the deep conditioning mask, apply about 1/3 cup of warm soybean oil to your hair, making sure to coat the ends. Then rinse with water and style.
For the scalp massage, mix 1 tablespoon soybean oil with 1 tablespoon Black Jamaican castor oil. Add 5 drops of growth-promoting essential oils, like peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, or rosemary.
Massage the oils into your scalp, and then wash with a sulfate-free shampoo.
Soybean Oil Vs. Olive Oil for Hair
Soybean and olive oil are two affordable oils that are available everywhere. How do they differ?
For hair, one of the most significant concerns is whether oil can penetrate the hair shaft. It is the single most determining factor of whether your hair can genuinely become moisturized inside and out.
However, non-penetrative oils can still have a lot to offer to hair that is dry and unmanageable because they can even coat the hair to protect and lubricate. Having a protective layer will help you retain length. Lubricating the strands will prevent them from breaking as you pull curls apart.
Here is the difference: Soybean oil has a significant amount of polyunsaturated fats, and olive oil has mostly monounsaturated fats.
Polyunsaturated oils have been found to have a tougher time penetrating the hair shaft, according to a study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science.
Soybean is still able to moisturize because it can effectively seal water into the hair shaft, but you cannot rely on soybean oil to penetrate the shaft well.
Olive oil is the best at penetrating the hair shaft with nourishment. Olive oil also coats the hair strand and adds shine.
Though soybean does not penetrate well, it still helps natural hair by lubricating the strands to prevent breakage and smoothing the hair cuticles to create shine.
Best Soybean Oils for Hair
The soybean industry is rampant with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), so it is best to seek a non-GMO source for your soybean oil.

Soybean oils are light and non-greasy, making them a pleasant hair oil. Use them as a carrier for essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, or rosemary to promote hair growth.
Buying non-GMO and organic soybean oil are more expensive than the conventional version, but buying in the larger sizes will help.
has a gallon size of non-GMO soybean oil online.You can also go for
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If you can’t buy it online, go for an organic version in your local health food store.
However, you’ll probably want to avoid the oil altogether if you have a soybean allergy, as it could itch or inflame the scalp.
Soybean oil is very economical when compared to olive, avocado, and coconut oils. It will help shave a few dollars from your haircare bill when you use it for lubricating the hair and adding shine.
Plus, you’ll like the hair growth effects of using it as a scalp massage oil. Try the inversion method while you massage to send more blood to the scalp. You can do the inversion method by bending at the waist and massaging the oil into your scalp with your fingertips. Be sure to keep your knees unlocked for better blood flow.
It’s probably not a good idea to ingest soybean oil regularly, but it can be useful when applied topically to the scalp and hair. You’ll most likely experience longer and thicker hair by using soybean oil on a regular basis.
Now it’s your turn to discuss. Have you tried soybean oil for natural hair, and if so, what were the results?

Hey Curl Friend, I’m Patrina Haupt the creator and author of Natural Hair Queen. I hope you find my healthy hair care tips helpful in your hair journey. Healthy hair care practices are definitely, what helped me to achieve waist length hair.
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I want to add soybean oil and chebe powder to my shea butter but I’m not sure about the dosage. I don’t want to damage my hair.
I would start with only a teaspoon and see how your hair responds to this amount first.