Twists are a girl’s best friend. Don’t we all like to add a little twist to our natural hair now and then?
Most definitely yes. Presently, men and women are rocking curls in their natural hair more than ever.
Curls are now the order of the day in the natural hair community. The development of natural related hair products and devices has assisted both new and old naturalistas to attained the curls they desire.
To have lasting curls, there are some products that we must use.
What to use
- Wide Tooth Comb: To detangle your hair
- Spray bottle: To moisten your hair
- Hair clips: To prevent tangling
- Patience: Twisting your hair can take hours
- Moisturizer: To keep your hair hydrated
- Oil: To add sheen to your hair
- Twist creams, mousse or gel: To give your twists a firm hold
- Flexy rods or cold curlers: To create the curls you desire
Twist Hairstyles
There are countless ways to twist styles for natural hair. We will provide you with 8 easy black hair twists hairstyles that will immediately capture your heart.
Flat twists with two strand twists

This natural hairstyle is a combination of twist cornrows and regular twists. This hairstyle can be worn to a casual or formal event.
Simply amazing!!!
From Twist to Twist Out

Wow!!! Look at those curls.
They are amazing. These curls were achieved with the application of
.Rope Twist with Curls
This is a beautiful twist and curl hairstyle. It can be achieved by using cold rods or flexy rods to set your hair.
It is especially worn when your twists are becoming worn. You can use any of the products listed above to help you attain this look.
Chic twist Mohawk

This is a very elegant hairstyle for formal events such as weddings. This Chic twist Mohawk natural hairstyle is a combination of flat twist corn rows and jumbo twists.
Such beautiful twists.
Two strand twists
Natural twist related products can be applied to these medium twist which can produce beautiful twist outs.
Twist Bun

This is a very easy hairstyle. All you need is to do is to section your hair as desired with your favorite natural hair twist product and twist create your two strand twists.
Then create use the twists to form a hair bun whether to the side or the top of your head.
Flat twists in braids

A stunning look. You can wear it to any outing.
It is suitable for any black woman. You can rock this style with hair accessories. You can also use a cute headscarf to heighten your look. This type of hairstyle can be worn if you are going to the mall or the park.
As I Am- Twist Defining Cream: To achieve shiny and well-formed twist and twist outs, this product can be used. It reduces fuzziness and enhances natural hair growth.
It also contains natural products such as coconut and tangerine that help to boost hair growth.
: Do you desire long lasting twists? This product can help to keep your twists curls firm and lasting all day, keeping your curls crunchy and fizz free.
: This is a sweet smelling natural hair pudding that is used to define your curls. It is sulfate petroleum free.
It keeps your twists and curls firm and adequately hydrated.
hair gel is popularly used by black hair women. It forms a strong hold on your twists and twist outs, leaving you confident.
: Thisaloe vera that helps to promote hair growth and prevent dry scalp. This cream also contains 11 unique botanical extracts that keep your hair soft and healthy.
: This natural hair cream contains
: This curling or twisting non-sulfate cream moisturizes hair that is dry and damaged leaving you with well-defined curls. This natural hair cream is rated 5/5 by users who purchased this product at Walmart.
: This hair mousse can be used when twisting your natural black hair. A reviewer on Amazon gave a feedback about the product which summarizes it all.
“I love this product…I have naturally curly African American hair, and this does define my curls and leaves no frizz. It does not leave my hair hard and crunchy; it is very soft. Moreover, it gives me a slight gloss but not oily. The hair, however, doesn’t have much movement, granted my hair is only like ear length, so maybe with longer hair, there will be more movement. Overall you cannot go wrong with this product, and I forgot to say that it smells really good.” ~A reviewer from Amazon.
: This black hair twisting cream is most useful for thick hair. With this hair product, you can expect smoother and softer bouncy twists and twist outs.
How to Twist Short Hair
Twisting short natural hair can be a very tedious process, however, fret not. We are here to help you.
It is way easier to twist 4C black hair than any other type of short hair.
Materials Need Water spray bottle, oil ( castor oil, olive oil or coconut oil ), detangling comb, hair clips.
If you desire tight twists, its best to twist your hair when it is dry, If you want loose twists, you can twist your natural hair when it is wet.
Let’s get started.
- Pre-prep your hair: You want to twist your hair when it is freshly washed. I am sure you do not want dandruff or shedding hair issue to distort the appearance of your twists. Apply your hair-friendly products to obtain a firm hold on your twists. You can also use any of the above mention hair products.
- Section your hair: You can section your hair in small, medium or large portions; whichever suits you best. You can use your fingers or a wide tooth comb to do the job. If you are doing little twists, be prepared to spend a few hours with your hair.
- Twist Away: Start twisting your hair. Use your hair clips to prevent the sectioned parts of your hair from coming in contact with the un-sectioned portion of your hair.
- Let your hair dry (preferably air dry): Allow your hair to dry then add a little shine as needed and rock those twists with confidence. Base on your hair type, you can wear your twists for 2 weeks or more.
You can also create twist outs from your worn twists or even curl your twist using small cold curlers. Remember to tie your head with a silky material in the nights before going to bed.
Wearing hair extension is an easy way to prevent you from combing or styling your hair every day. Hair extensions also protect your ends from breakage.
Never tried this hairstyle before? You can try it today!!
Here are a few points to consider when twisting your hair with extensions.
- Make up your mind: Decide on the type of hair extension that you need. Make sure you have enough and note the length.
- Wash your Hair: Clean hair is easy to twists as it contains fewer hair products. Shampoo, deep condition, dry and detangle your hair with a wide tooth comb.
- Section your hair: Section your hair into two sections or however, you want to create your twist patterns. Create small sections, one at a time and use hair clips to prevent tangling. Comb each section to detangle any knots.
- Start twisting: Twist each section to the right until you reach the end of the hair extension. Hold your hair along with the hair extension and interlock each forming a firm ropelike coil. Twist until every section of your hair is completed. Be sure not to pull too much on your hair as this will cause tension in the roots and make your scalp very tender.
- Bathe your ends: Place the middle to end section of your extension in warm water to seal your edges; after which dry and apply a leave-in conditioner and shine.
Natural Queen’s rock those twists with confidence.

Hey Curl Friend, I’m Patrina Haupt the creator and author of Natural Hair Queen. I hope you find my healthy hair care tips helpful in your hair journey. Healthy hair care practices are definitely, what helped me to achieve waist length hair.
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