Working out with natural hair is an undertaking and a task for women with textured hair. Summer is approaching, and many natural women are thinking about looking good and how their natural hair will be frizzy.

There are simple styles to wear for naturals while working out. Exercise can be complicated depending upon your texture and hairstyle.
Working out with natural 4C hair can be simple with a short cut. Pressed hair is harder to maintain with an exercise regimen.
It is best to wear pressed hairstyles in a ponytail while working out. It is often recommended for simple upkeep of natural hair to rock short, cropped cuts for gym attendees.
Exercise can make the hair grow due to the increased water intake, blood circulation, and a balanced diet. It’s not a bad thing to take in more water and eat healthier.
Your body and hair will receive the reward for all of your movement. A stronger body and healthy hair with care are excellent reasons for including exercise in your life.
Many women of color avoid working out due to messing up their hair. However, exercise can be good for hair growth with including a hair regimen.
Let’s remember that the sweat is not causing hair growth. It is the moisture and blood circulating that promotes hair growth.
Workout hairstyles for natural hair
Workout hairstyles for natural hair can be short haircuts, two strand twists, and ponytails. The beauty of two strands is the ability to untwist the hair after a workout to wear a bouncy, twist out.
Working out is needed for great hair, skin, and most importantly your health. These natural styles offer versatility with less frizziness after a workout.
An exercise regimen while having natural hair is a constant topic of discussion within the natural hair community. Naturals with longer hair tend to use the pineapple method, wear a silk scarf or a head wrap during intense workouts.
Some people sweat excessively on their scalp, and it’s almost impossible to have sweat, proof hair. Strength training, yoga, and cardio are great forms of exercise for natural haired women.
Strength training makes it simpler to maintain your hair and work out. Natural hair styles require maintenance and daily upkeep with or without exercise.
Mohawks, hi-tops or cropped cuts work well for natural hair enthusiasts that workout regularly. Hair growth happens when you least expect it.
You may notice more length or volume due to the change of adding exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. Protective styles work well for natural hair too.
Two strands and braids are great natural hair styles for a workout regimen. An exercise routine can naturally trigger better hair care habits.
Working out forces some naturals to pay closer attention to their hair and create a better hair regimen. This can ultimately build and grow the hair with a maintenance plan.
Natural hair is often dry and brittle. Some people notice that their hair feels differently after they exercise.
Use a tube of shampoo that is sulfate free and gives your tresses a deep conditioning treatment. This will be critical for those who sweat tremendously while having an intense workout session.
Some people say cardio encourages hair growth, but the truth is the exercise is not increasing your hair growth. Hair growth is coming from your lifestyle change.
Eating right and exercising can give you a healthy body and healthier hair. All types of exercise will encourage hair growth due to the accidental steam treatment from exercise.
Pilates and yoga work well for those that do not want to mess up their natural hair. The most important thing is to be active.
Healthy hair will often come from a proper diet, exercise, and healthy hair care.
How to protect your natural hair when exercising

Protecting your natural hair when exercising can be done by covering your hair with a silk scarf, bonnet, or use the pineapple method. In my opinion, naturals should avoid wearing headscarves in general since it will cause you to sweat more and in turn make your roots frizzier.
I workout 4-5 times a week with strength training and cardio so my scalp gets pretty sweaty. While working out, I wear an extra thick headband, so all of my edges and hair are covered and place my hair in a high loose bun. Other days I put my hair in either a loose ponytail or two braids and throw on a baseball cap but, it all depends on my hairstyle for the week.
Short Naturals can apply penetrating oils or conditioner and put a plastic cap over a short, cropped haircut along with a cute silk scarf or hat during their workout.
You may get a miniature steam or conditioning/hot oil treatment during the workout. The moisture will encourage growth.
However, sweat can create an odor. You may need to co-wash your hair and apply penetrating oils like olive oil or coconut oil.
Use essential oils along with the penetrating oils such as lavender or lemongrass to mask the odor. It is often hard to protect your natural hair when exercising because natural hair can shrink.
Two strands or braids are perfect for protecting your natural hair while exercising. These styles can stay intact during an intense workout.
How to keep my hair from sweating out
You can keep your hair from sweating out with the minimum use of products. Apply small amounts of cream based products or oils.
Working out can cause sweat and unmanageable hair. Avoid putting on too many products and oils before exercise.
This will minimize the sweating and untamed hair. Low impact exercise will keep your hair from sweating out too.
It helps to realize and understand that your natural hair has a mind of its own. Natural hair will often not stay in place with or without working out.
Natural hair is often big and hard to manage for some naturals on a daily basis. Acceptance of your natural hair texture is necessary to maintain a workout regimen.
It is easier to accept that the concept of sweat proof hair will not likely exist.
How to keep natural hair straight while working out

Keeping natural hair straight while working out is a task. Yoga and light cardio are best for keeping natural hair straight.
Pulling long, straight hair into a ponytail placed at the top the head is helpful. Naturals that want to keep their natural hair straight may have to co-wash once or twice a week and then towel dry or use a microfiber towel for the best results.
It is encouraged for most naturals to avoid using a blow dryer or using excessive heat to dry wet hair after exercising as excessive heat will dry out your hair and cause breakage. Maintaining your hair while working out is possible with large ponytail holders or placing the hair in a bun for best results.
What does sweat do to your hair
A large percentage of sweat is water, however small traces of other chemicals our bodies produce such as salt is in it as well. Since sweat is made up of not just water it will dry your hair out without the proper hair care regimen and products.
It is recommended to deep condition hair once a week to avoid breakage and dryness. Sweat is moisture coming from your pores.
The moisture has a love and hate relationship with our natural hair but doesn’t have to be the enemy. Working out and sweating with natural 4c hair is easier to maintain daily.
You can shampoo and condition more frequently with short natural hair after workouts. Working out with short hair requires less worry and more focus on workout results.
Deep conditioning is a requirement for all hair types regardless if you work out daily or a few times a week
How to work out with straightened natural hair
Working out with straightened natural hair is a challenge. It is recommended do a rod or flexi rod set on straightened natural hair if you are going to work out.
This style works well to camouflage the frizziness from working out. Low impact workouts are best for straightened hair.
The best way to keep natural hair from reverting takes patience in figuring out what works best for your hair. It will take some trial and error.
Some naturals sweat a lot on their scalp, and the hair will become puffy at the root and straight on the ends. Maintaining a blowout on natural hair when working out requires placing your hair in a ponytail placed at the top of the head or in a bun.
Some naturals ultimately decide to avoid straightened natural hair during the summer or intense workouts. Natural hair is easy to maintain with a healthy hair regimen.
You can work out and keep cute hairstyles. braid outs, twist outs, even tapered natural haircuts are likely the best choice for workouts.
Protective styles are easy to maintain for those working out daily too. Braids and two strands will hold up nicely just add a headband.
Natural hair is great, but a healthy body is even more important. Avoiding or limiting workouts to keep a hairstyle is not worth possible sickness or additional health issues.
Remember A healthy body can produce healthy hair.

Hey Curl Friend, I’m Patrina Haupt the creator and author of Natural Hair Queen. I hope you find my healthy hair care tips helpful in your hair journey. Healthy hair care practices are definitely, what helped me to achieve waist length hair.
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